Saturday, April 11, 2009


It all began one week ago today.....Ory started running a low grade fever and had a sore throat last Saturday evening. By Sunday morning he was up to 103 fever, sore throat, and Monday morning all the above plus body aches...took him to the doctor Monday morning and Dr. Peyton thought it was strep throat, did a strep test and came back negative, next idea...the FLU...and that was positive BUT we are out of the 24-36 hr window so Dr. Peyton said medication would not help at this point and to ride it out with motrin! NO FUN!! By Tuesday night I started coughing and running we go...and by Wednesday morning I was MISERABLE. Went to the doctor that afternoon and they did the Flu swab AND of course, it was positive AND bronchitis had already set in...BUT we had caught mine in time and they gave me Tamiflu and Levaquin for the bronchitis...praise Jesus!! By this time, Ory is starting to get better but still running a low grade fever....NOW, Thursday morning Addy wakes up with FEVER! Go I schedule her a doctors appointment and her WONDERFUL Daddy takes her in....they do the Flu swab on her and tell Dan it will take 5-10 minutes but within a couple of minutes they are back in the room and say "It was a quick positive...she has the Flu as well" So they are able to give her the Tamiflu also...AND gave Dan a Rx for it to as a prophylactic!! Yay, praise Jesus!!! So, by now, Ory's fever finally breaks on Thursday and Addy and I are sick, sick, sick!!! But I have the most wonderful husband who stayed home from work on Tuesday with Ory and then was already off Wed-Fri and took care of ALL of us!!! He is such a SUPER Mr. Mom!!! :)
As of today, Addy and I DO NOT have fever..just coughing and snotty noses and Ory is COMPLETELY back to normal (except for a little cough)....I believe we are FINALLY on the ROAD TO RECOVERY!!!!! As long as Daddy stays healthy!!!



Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm Back....

Well, it's been awhile since I last posted....a month to be exact!! It has been kind of crazy here at the Baker Household!! From Dan having back surgery, to the 2009 Ice Storm (in which we were out of power for 9 days), and then myself having kidney stones!! Saying all that to say, I have been a little pre-occupied and haven't had a lot of time to do any posting!!! I did take some really neat and pretty pictures of the 2009 Ice Storm, which I am going to try to post as soon as I take them off my camera!!

Oh, and I have started a Facebook page as well (thanks to a friend of mine being persistent...Love Ya Gina!!! :)...if anyone would like to visit....I haven't had time to add any pictures to it yet either but it is on the "List of Things To Do"....which has grown recently!!!

Well, that's about it for now....Hope everyone is doing well!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Update on Dan

He made it through surgery wonderfully!!! Dr. Gallaher said it was an extremely bad hernation which had been that way for awhile as part of the disc had already started t0 calcify, BUT he got it all cleaned up and back how it should be!!! The last few days have been REALLY hard for Dan, LOTS of pain and spasms that I am trying to keep under control with pain meds for him but he is a trooper and hanging in there!!! I am getting him up every 2-4 hrs to walk. Dr. Gallaher said the more he walks the faster and better he will heal!!! So "Nurse Kenlea" is being a slave driver!!! But with Christian Love!!! He still has a Long Road to Recovery so please keep him in your prayers!!

We are so blessed to have such wonderful FRIENDS and I just want to say "THANK YOU"to EVERYONE for their prayers!! May God Bless Each and Everyone of You!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I've Been Given an AWARD?!?!

I'm so excited!! THANKS to Malisa for the "My Blog is Fabulous Award"!!! I have just started the whole BLOGGING thing and am so excited to have already been given an AWARD!! Malisa is the one who actually got me started BLOGGING!! She told me about hers and so I checked it out and then found Kasey's Blog "All That is Good" and it has been a domino effect from there...It is sooo much fun!! So now I am suppose to tell you my 5 ADDICTIONS and 5 FAVORITE BLOGS....

AND THEY ARE (in no particular order)...............

1. SWEET TEA - Can't get enough!!! Chick-Fil-A may possibly know me by name!! BUT I am trying to cut back with the whole diet situation going on :)

2. BLOGGING - I have become sooo addicted!! I just look forward to getting online everyday and seeing if anyone has new posts!! It is so fun to see what everyone is doing!!

3. PHOTOGRAPHY - This has become a new addiction for me!! Dan bought me a REALLY nice camera and I just can't quit taking pictures!!! I absolutely LOVE it!! (Now trying to find a really good photo program!!) **If anyone has a suggestion pass it on!!!**

4. READING - Especially the Twilight Series right now!! I'm on the 3rd book....I use to read constantly in High School and then quit after getting married and having kiddos, BUT I'm back again and forgot how much I LOVE relaxing and helps me sleep at night!!!

AND FINALLY, Last but not Least....

5. SHOPPING - I love shopping for my kiddos (and maybe for some shoes & purses for me!! :)....Ok, and maybe stuff for my house too...Especially at HOBBY LOBBY & KIRKLANDS.....

So there you have it....My 5 ADDICTIONS!! Now..My 5 FAVORITE BLOGS....(this is hard because I'm just beginning and finding new blogs everyday)....Sooooo again in no particular order......

1. Livin' In Lindabury by Marti Lindabury.....She cracks me up all the time!! I love it when she posts because I know I will be laughing!! She just has a way with words!!! Keep them going Marti!!

2. God is Good...All the Time! by Malisa Howerton....She is such an inspiration to me!!! I have known Malisa forever and she changed so much in the past year or so and I just admire her so much!!!! We have been thru good and bad times together and I just can't say enough about how much I LOVE her and Love reading her Blog!!!

3. Endless Possibilities by Kim Wheeler.....I came across this blog thru All That is Good by Kasey Helder.....she has the neatest canvas paintings!! They are absolutely fantastic!! I am actually thinking of ordering one from her!! If you haven't been there you should check her blog out!!

4. Cutest Blog on the Block...I love going here and checking out new Blog Backgrounds!! They have some of the cutest backgrounds!! I'm all about change so I enjoy trying to find something new for my Blog periodically.

AND FINALLY, Last but not Least....

5. All That is Good by Kasey Helder.....I love reading Kasey's posts!! She has so many great ideas..Loving the Tour of her Home she is doing right now...Great Idea!!! Her blog is another one I can't wait to check on for new never know what she is going to have on there, from Fashion to her Kids to just saying how much she appreciates people!! It is always uplifting to read her Blog!!!!

So, there you have it!! My 5 ADDICTIONS and 5 FAVORITE BLOGS.....Again, Thanks to Malisa for the AWARD!!! I LOVE IT AND APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH!!


Monday, January 12, 2009

Prayer Request

We found out this morning that Dan is going to have to have back surgery tomorrow. He has been dealing with a herniated disc in his back for a couple of weeks now and has had an epidural injection with no relief. After seeing Dr. Gallaher this morning the only other option is to operate. If the surgery works he should have 90% relief instantly!! He has literallly been in bed flat on his back since 1/3/09. Dr. Gallaher said this is the biggest herniated disc he has seen in a long time in a 28 yr old but hopefully the surgery will work and take care of his pain!

Please keep Dan in your prayers for a successful operation and recovery!! Thanks!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Two Things...

First, I have found a new candle that I absolutely LOVE!!! It is Paula Dean, Creamy Apple Butter (got it at Wal-Mart). It will fill your entire house with a WONDERFUL scent!!! I am all the time looking for candles. If I am at home, I have a candle burning so I love finding one that you can smell thru the entire house! And I have found one!! Everyone should try it!! Let me know if you have a favorite and maybe I can try them!!
Secondly, I started a diet on Monday and have lost 4lbs as of the weigh-in this morning!! And that's without exercising. So, I'm thinking if I would start exercising as well maybe next week will be just as good or better!!! Just pretty proud of my start, as I have NO will-power and LOVE sweet tea (of which, I have had NONE of this week)!! Keep me in your prayers please!!