Friday, January 16, 2009

Update on Dan

He made it through surgery wonderfully!!! Dr. Gallaher said it was an extremely bad hernation which had been that way for awhile as part of the disc had already started t0 calcify, BUT he got it all cleaned up and back how it should be!!! The last few days have been REALLY hard for Dan, LOTS of pain and spasms that I am trying to keep under control with pain meds for him but he is a trooper and hanging in there!!! I am getting him up every 2-4 hrs to walk. Dr. Gallaher said the more he walks the faster and better he will heal!!! So "Nurse Kenlea" is being a slave driver!!! But with Christian Love!!! He still has a Long Road to Recovery so please keep him in your prayers!!

We are so blessed to have such wonderful FRIENDS and I just want to say "THANK YOU"to EVERYONE for their prayers!! May God Bless Each and Everyone of You!!!!


  1. glad to hear it went well! Take care of him!

  2. I was wondering how it went...thanks for the update! We are thanking God for the successful surgery, and giving Him glory for the speedy recovery we know He is sending Dan's way. You hang in there too!

  3. I am not sure of the whole story here but I am glad that the surgery went well, and that he is recovering.
